
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Lichens on a Sessile Oak, Quercus patreae. Fairlight Glen. 05.03.24

Habitat: High Weald ancient woodland; oceanic micro-climate in a steep High Weald ghyll. In Fairlight Glen there is the famous Dripping Well waterfall - the only location of Dumortier's Liverwort, Dumortiera hirsuta, east of Devon). The ghyll carves a ravine out of the rocks of the Tunbridge Wells series, where they meet the see.

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It's trunk has vertical stripes of white and green lichen. The white lichen is mostly an old wood lichen, probably Opegrapha vermicellifera (as C- and K- to chemical reagent spot tests). 

The greens (on the wetter side of the trunk) are a mixture of probably Rinodina roboris (with black apothecia).
Normandina pulchella; Elf Ear Lichen
and a Lepraia dust lichen, probably L. finkii. 

Mosses: Amblystegium serpens, Creeping Feather-moss
Liverwort: Metzgeria furcata, Forked Veilwort
Polypodium sp. probably either. P. vulgare or P. interjectum Fern to high up to get a sporangia sample