
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lichens on a Small-Leaved Lime, Tilia cordata, at Buxted Park SSSI 06.08.24

Buxted Park is an old deer park consisting of a variety of unimproved grassland communities with parkland trees and areas of woodland which as a whole support a large invertebrate population. It lies on neutral-acidic soils over Tunbridge Wells Sandstone, Wadhurst Clay and various superficial deposits in the valley of the River Uck 

Click Buxted Park to read it's full SSSI specification

These lichens were on this Small-Leaved Lime

May be an image of tree and grass

On this section of a branch these lichens be seen

Parmelia sulcata Usnea cornuta
Pertusaria pertusa Pyrrhospora quernea Physcia tenella
Melanelixia glabratula
(The blobs on P. quernea are spots of sodium hypochlorite and potassium hydroxide, for ID testing purposes).

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Probably Putussaria pertusa

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Melanelixia subaurifera

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Evernia prunastri

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Flavoparmelia caperata

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Lecidella eleaochrima

May be an image of tree and grass

Xanthoria parietina and Parmelua sulcata

Ramalina fastigata

Putusaria leioplaca

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Leprarai incana

May be an image of tree

Phlyctis argena

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